Hosts: Fraser Cain(@fcain, @universetoday) and Scott Lewis(@baldastronomer) Astronomers: David Dickinson(@astroguyz) in Florida Mike Phillips in North Carolina Shahrin Ahmad(@shahgazer) in…
Hosts: Fraser Cain and Scott Lewis Astronomers: David Dickinson in Florida Michael Phillips in North Carolina Bill McLaughlin in Oregon…
Juno Portrait of Earth This false color composite shows more than half of Earth’s disk over the coast of Argentina…
Juno swoops over Argentina This reconstructed day side image of Earth is one of the 1st snapshots transmitted back home…
After last week's non-episode, the Weekly Space Hangout roared back to life. We had big news on the Government Shutdown,…
Following the speed boosting slingshot of Earth on Wednesday, Oct. 9, that sent NASA’s Juno orbiter hurtling towards Jupiter, the…
With the government shutdown, news out of NASA is sometimes sparse. But thankfully amateur astronomers can fill in some of…
Developing story - NASA’s Juno-bound Jupiter orbiter successfully blazed past Earth this afternoon (Oct. 9) and gained its huge and…
Trajectory Map of Juno’s Earth Flyby on Oct. 9, 2013 The Earth gravity assist is required to accelerate Juno’s arrival…
Talk about a great fall lineup. Three of Jupiter's four brightest moons plan a rare show for telescopic observers on…