Two New Subatomic Particles Found

With its first runs of colliding protons in 2008-2013, the Large Hadron Collider has now been providing a stream of…

10 years ago

The Face of Creation

The latest autotuned installment in John D. Boswell's Symphony of Science series waxes melodic about the particle-smashing science being done…

12 years ago

Tevatron Targets Higgs Mass

Today, researchers from Fermilab announced they have zeroed in further on the mass of the Higgs boson, the controversially-called "God…

12 years ago

What is CERN?

Here's another great video from Sixty Symbols featuring professor Ed Copeland giving his entertaining description of CERN, the "Mecca for…

13 years ago

Neutrinos Obey The Speed Limit, After All

[/caption] Neutrinos have been cleared of allegations of speeding, according to an announcement issued today by CERN and the ICARUS…

13 years ago

Particle Physicists Put the Squeeze on the Higgs Boson; Look for Conclusive Results in 2012

[/caption] With “freshly squeezed” plots from the latest data garnered by two particle physics experiments, teams of scientists from the…

13 years ago

Cosmic Particle Accelerators – Let’s Dance!

[/caption] Are you ready to dance with a new discovery? ESA's Cluster satellites are playing the tune of cosmic particle…

13 years ago

Unifying The Quantum Principle – Flowing Along In Four Dimensions

[/caption] In 1988, John Cardy asked if there was a c-theorem in four dimensions. At the time, he reasonably expected…

13 years ago

Large Hadron Collider Finishes 2011 Proton Run

[/caption] The world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator has been busy. At 5:15 p.m. on October 30, 2011, the Large…

13 years ago

LHC Officially Becomes Most Powerful Accelerator

Well, they've done it: at 2028 GMT, 29 November 2009 the Large Hadron Collider officially became the most powerful particle…

15 years ago