Lick Observatory

Polaris is the Closest, Brightest Cepheid Variable. Very Recently, Something Changed.

A new study has revealed that Polaris' pulsating behavior may be caused by its binary companion, resolving a long-standing mystery…

1 year ago

Neptune's Cloud Cover is Linked to the Solar Cycle

Whenever Neptune reaches its closest point in the sky to Earth, its portrait is taken by the Hubble Space Telescope…

1 year ago

Exoplanet Surveys are Leaning Towards the Possibility That our Solar System is… Normal

One of the unspoken caveats of most exoplanet discovery missions is that they only operate for a few years.  Such…

4 years ago

Who was Gerard Kuiper?

In the outer reaches of the Solar System, beyond the orbit of Neptune, lies a region permeated by celestial objects…

9 years ago

Grand Spiral Galaxy Graced By Faded Supernova

One of the most lovely deep space objects to observe is the grand-design spiral galaxy and there are few so…

12 years ago