Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Rock Almost Rolled Into This Crater on the Moon… Almost

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter recently spotted a boulder that had rolled downhill inside the Antoniadi crater, very nearly landing in…

5 years ago

See a Simulation of the Moon for Every Day in 2019

It's always easier to show someone a picture of something rather than to use 1,000 words to explain it. The…

6 years ago

The Moon Is Getting Slammed Way More Than We Thought

A new study of the current rate of meteoroid impacts on the Moon suggests that those iconic astronaut boot prints…

8 years ago

Celebrate International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, Oct. 8 2016!

This Saturday, October 8, 2016, is International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN), an annual worldwide public event that encourages observation,…

8 years ago

GRAIL Data Points To Possible Lava Tubes On The Moon

Using data provided by NASA's GRAIL mission, researchers from Purdue University have found more evidence of buried lava tubes on…

8 years ago

NASA Receives Significant Budget Boost for Fiscal Year 2016

NASA has just received a significant boost in the agency’s current budget after both chambers of Congress passed the $1.1…

9 years ago

Earthrise Like You’ve Never Seen It Before

It’s been 47 years since Apollo 8 captured the famous Earthrise photo. Now the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s version is out.…

9 years ago

Earth and Mars Captured Together in One Photo from Lunar Orbit

Wow, this doesn't happen very often: Earth and Mars together in one photo. To make the image even more unique,…

10 years ago

NASA Curiosity Rover Missing ‘Scientific Focus And Detail’ In Mars Mission: Review

NASA's planetary senior review panel harshly criticized the scientific return of the Curiosity rover in a report released yesterday (Sept.…

10 years ago

What Does The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Site Look Like Today?

Forty-five years ago yesterday, the Sea of Tranquility saw a brief flurry of activity when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin…

10 years ago