
New Hubble Image Shows Dark Cocoons Where New Stars are Forming

Star formation is a complex process. But in simple terms, a star forms due to clumps and instabilities in a…

3 years ago

Messier 16 (M16) – The Eagle Nebula

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

8 years ago

‘Elephant Trunks’ Crowd Distant Star Cluster, Raising New Questions About Stellar Formation

Star winds are pushing the gas around NGC 3572 into "elephant trunks", as you can see if you look carefully as…

11 years ago

The Eagle Nebula as You’ve Never Seen it Before

[/caption] Here's a stunning new look deep inside the iconic "Pillars of Creation." As opposed to the famous Hubble Space…

13 years ago