
Breakthrough Listen Searched for Signals From Intelligent Civilizations Near the Center of the Milky Way

If there are aliens out there, they probably aren't in the central region of our galaxy.

4 years ago

One Type of Fast Radio Bursts… Solved?

A new study of x-ray bursts from a local magnetar confirms the origin of a fast radio burst.

4 years ago

Only 31 Magnetars Have Ever Been Discovered. This one is Extra Strange. It’s Also a Pulsar

Some of the most stunningly powerful objects in the sky aren’t necessarily the prettiest to look at.  But their secrets…

4 years ago

Astronomers think they’ve seen a magnetar form for the first time; the collision of two neutron stars

Astronomers have seen how two neutron stars created the brightest kilonova ever observed.

4 years ago

Fast radio bursts within the Milky Way seem to be coming from magnetars

Fast radio bursts are some of the most mysterious events known in astronomy, but they are slowly becoming better understood.…

4 years ago

New Simulation Shows Exactly What’s Happening as Neutron Stars Merge

Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that explode as supernovae at the end of their fusion lives. They're…

4 years ago

A Repeating Fast Radio Burst Has Been Found. It Flares for 4 Days and then Remains Silent for 12 Days

Five hundred million light-years from Earth, there is a deeply unusual object. It is radio silent for 12 days, then…

5 years ago

A Fast Radio Burst Has Been Detected From Inside The Milky Way

Fast radio bursts last for such a short time that it is difficult to track down the source. Now astronomers…

5 years ago

Astronomers are Using NASA’s Deep Space Network to Hunt for Magnetars

Right, magnetars. Perhaps one of the most ferocious beasts to inhabit the cosmos. Loud, unruly, and temperamental, they blast their…

6 years ago

“With a Little Help From Their Friends,” Magnetars Form in Binary Systems, New Study Suggests

Astronomy is a discipline of extremes. We’re constantly searching for the most powerful, the most explosive, and the most energetic…

11 years ago