
Uranus is Getting Colder and Now We Know Why

Uranus is an oddball among the Solar System's planets. While most planets' axis of rotation is perpendicular to their orbital…

1 month ago

BepiColombo’s New Images of Mercury are Cool

The ESA/JAXA BepiColombo spacecraft made another flyby of its eventual target, Mercury. This is one of a series of Mercury…

3 months ago

A NASA Rocket Has Finally Found Earth’s Global Electric Field

Scientists have discovered that Earth has a third field. We all know about the Earth's magnetic field. And we all…

4 months ago

Earth’s Atmosphere is Our Best Defence Against Nearby Supernovae

Earth's protective atmosphere has sheltered life for billions of years, creating a haven where evolution produced complex lifeforms like us.…

6 months ago

Measuring Exoplanetary Magnetospheres with the Square Kilometer Array

Life on Earth would not be possible without food, water, light, a breathable atmosphere and surprisingly, a magnetic field. Without…

8 months ago

Millions of Satellites Could Have a Profound Effect on the Earth’s Ionosphere

Hardly a day goes by where a story hits the headlines about our abuse of the Earth’s precious environment be…

1 year ago

Earth’s Past and Future Habitability Depends on Our Protection from Space Weather

A bewildering number of factors and variables led up to the planet we occupy today, where life finds a way…

1 year ago

Jupiter’s “Stripes” Change Color. Now We Might Know Why

While Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is one of the most well-known spectacles in the solar system, Jupiter’s clouds and stripes…

2 years ago

An Astronomical First! A Radiation Belt Seen Outside the Solar System

For the first time, a team of astronomers has imaged the radiation belt of an object from beyond the Solar…

2 years ago

The Earth's Magnetosphere Could be Used as a Gravitational Wave Observatory

The magnetospheres of Earth and Jupiter might be used to observe high-frequency gravitational waves.

2 years ago