Mars Odyssey

Martian Spacecraft Busts A Move To Glimpse Possible Water Flows

Just a few days ago, we posted about possibly salty water flows on Mars. Of note, the NASA press release…

11 years ago

How Much Science Data Has The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Sent To Earth?

Imagine being able to watch three months' worth of high-definition space video sequentially -- maybe real-time coverage on the International…

11 years ago

Mars Armada Resumes Contact with NASA – Ready to Rock ‘n Roll n’ Drill

Curiosity accomplished historic 1st drilling into Martian rock at John Klein outcrop on Feb 8, 2013 (Sol 182), shown in…

12 years ago

Terran Fleet at Mars Takes a Break for Conjunction – Enjoy the Video and Parting View

Curiosity and Mount Sharp - Parting Shot ahead of Mars Solar Conjunction Enjoy this parting view of Curiosity's elevated robotic…

12 years ago

Take a Trip to Explore Gale Crater

Images from the Curiosity rover on Mars are truly spectacular but a large mosaic from the THEMIS camera aboard NASA's…

12 years ago

Problems with Mars Odyssey Could Impact Telemetry for Curiosity Rover’s Landing

Caption: NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft passes above Mars' south pole in this artist's illustration. The spacecraft has been orbiting Mars…

12 years ago

New Analysis of Clay Deposits in Ancient Martian Lakes

[/caption] Mars was once a much wetter world than it is now, with hot springs, rivers, lakes and perhaps even…

13 years ago

Today’s Martian Weather: Partly Cloudy

[/caption] Changing seasons in Mars' northern hemisphere brings a change in the weather, and the clouds have rolled in to…

13 years ago

Best Class Project Ever: 7th Graders Find a Cave on Mars

[/caption] Tip number one on "How to impress your classmates:" Find a mysterious cave on Mars. A group of 16…

15 years ago