mars reconnaissance orbiter

Martian Avalanches And Defrosting Dunes Among New Gorgeous HiRISE Images

As NASA's missions at the Red Planet age, it's so important not to take any of the pictures beamed back…

11 years ago

Is There Martian Salty Water At The Red Planet’s Equator? These Lines May Be The Smoking Gun

Get ready, because here are some more findings about possible water on Mars. This picture above from the Mars Reconnaissance…

11 years ago

How Much Science Data Has The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Sent To Earth?

Imagine being able to watch three months' worth of high-definition space video sequentially -- maybe real-time coverage on the International…

11 years ago

Skim Across Mars In Virtual Reality With These New Orbital Images

Stop what you're doing, grab the nearest 3-D glasses (red/blue type) you have available and then pretend you're hovering above…

11 years ago

The Latest from Mars: Dried up Riverbed May Have Flowed into an Ancient Ocean

When it comes to Mars, the hot topic of study is water – a prerequisite for life. While liquid water…

11 years ago

Violent Martian Waters Carved Secret Trench

Massive floodwaters on Mars gouged a channel more than 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) long, making a trench that was hidden…

12 years ago

Rover, Sky Crane, Heat Shield and Parachute Located from Orbit by HiRISE

More awesomeness from HiRISE! A new orbital image shows the Curiosity rover sitting on Mars’ surface, along with all the…

12 years ago

Problems with Mars Odyssey Could Impact Telemetry for Curiosity Rover’s Landing

Caption: NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft passes above Mars' south pole in this artist's illustration. The spacecraft has been orbiting Mars…

13 years ago

New Evidence for Flowing Water on Mars

[/caption] In a news conference today, NASA announced discoveries that provide additional evidence of seasonal water flows on Mars.  Using…

13 years ago

Swirls, Gullies and Bedrock Create Two Jaw-Dropping Ethereal Mars Landscapes

[/caption] Wow! These two latest images from the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter are simply amazing. I couldn't…

14 years ago