Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity Rover

Curiosity Update: No Definitive Discovery of Organics…Yet

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover documented itself in the context of its work site, an area called "Rocknest Wind Drift," on…

12 years ago

Everybody Chill, NASA Says: No Martian Organics Found

Curiosity maneuvering her robotic arm and conducting a close-up examination of windblown ‘Rocknest’ sand dune. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo…

12 years ago

Mars Dust Storm Likely Not Going Global

A regional dust storm visible in the southern hemisphere of Mars in this nearly global mosaic of observations made by…

12 years ago

Has Curiosity Made an ‘Earth-Shaking’ Discovery?

This image was taken by Front Hazcam onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 102 (2012-11-18 21:41:54 UTC). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech…

12 years ago

Watch: Ultimate Mars Challenge

The PBS special "Ultimate Mars Challenge" that aired this week in the US is now available on YouTube. The production…

12 years ago

HUGE New Gale Crater Panoramas from Curiosity

The image above is a gorgeous view of the Curiosity rover's surroundings in Gale Crater. However, it is just a…

12 years ago

Are Dust Devils Whirling Around the Curiosity Rover?

In this latest update from the MSL team, Ashwin Vasavada, the Deputy Project Scientist, explains how Curiosity has been monitoring…

12 years ago

The Curiosity Rover’s Ultimate Self-Portrait

The Curiosity rover self portrait. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems OK, we thought the low-resolution self-portrait from yesterday was great...…

12 years ago

Curiosity Rover Takes an Incredible Self-Portrait

Wow, what a view of the Curiosity rover! This is a self-portrait mosaic made from brand new images taken by…

12 years ago

Curiosity Rover Makes First X-Ray Analysis of Martian Soil

This graphic shows results of the first analysis of Martian soil by the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) experiment on NASA's…

12 years ago