
InSight’s Robot Arm is Ready to go to Work

Some new images sent home by the InSight Lander show the robotic arm and the craft's instruments waiting on deck,…

6 years ago

One of the Most Exciting Parts of InSight is Actually the Tiny Cubesats Tagging Along for the Ride and Their Role in the Mission

A very important, but perhaps overlooked, aspect of the InSight mission was the first-ever deployment of CubeSats (MarCO) to deep…

6 years ago

InSight Deploys its Solar Cells, Prepared for Surface Operations on Mars!

The InSight Lander, which had touched down on the Martian surface just hours before, has deployed its solar cells and…

6 years ago

InSight Lander Touches Down! Begins Mission to Unlock the Secrets of Mars

Earlier today, after a seven month journey through space, NASA's InSight Lander mission touched down on the Martian surface.

6 years ago

Lakes on Mars Filled up so Quickly They Would Overflow Catastrophically Carving Canyons Within Weeks

According to a new study, ancient lakes on Mars filled up so quickly that they overflowed, carving canyons in the…

6 years ago

It’s Decided, the Mars 2020 Rover Will Land in Jezero Crater

Jezero crater is the landing spot for NASA's upcoming 2020 rover. The crater is a rich geological site, and the…

6 years ago

Strange Grooves on Phobos Were Caused by Boulders Rolling Around on its Surface

Back in the 1970s, NASA's Mariner and Viking Missions were sent out to explore other planets in our Solar System.…

6 years ago

Honey, Where’s the Space Sperm? It’s in Low-Earth Orbit, Dear

It's always wise to be prepared for a disaster, but space sperm is taking it a little too far. Having…

6 years ago

Mars InSight Lands on November 26th. Here’s where it’s going to touch down

After careful consideration, NASA has selected the location where the InSight lander will set down and begin surveying the interior…

6 years ago

Planetary Scientists Have Chosen a Few Landing Sites for the Mars 2020 Rover

At the fourth Landing Site Workshop in October, NASA held a vote on where the Mars 2020 rover will land…

6 years ago