
Elon Musk Just Shared an Image of the Main Body Tool for Building the BFR. That Thing is F’ing Big!

Elon Musk just released an Instagram post showing a key component of the upcoming BFR - the main body tool…

7 years ago

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Enjoys its 2000th Day on Mars

The Curiosity rover recently passed another major milestone. Since it landed in 2012, it has spent a total of 2000…

7 years ago

This Bizarre Image is a 3D Scan of a Cave Network in Spain. This Technology Could be Used to Map Out Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars

A team that participated in the ESA's Pangaea-X program recently produced the largest 3D image of a cave system in…

7 years ago

Astronaut Scott Tingle Was Able To Control A Ground-Based Robot… From Space.

The ESA is working on artificially intelligent robots that could be controlled from a distance by astronauts. The pair could…

7 years ago

Saturn Photobombs a Picture of the Martian Moon Phobos

While taking pictures of the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos, the Mars Express probe also captures pictures of Saturn in…

7 years ago

Opportunity Just Saw its 5,000th Sunrise on Mars

The Opportunity rover just experienced its 5000th sunrise on Mars and is still revealing things about the Martian surface.

7 years ago

What are the Chances Musk’s Space Tesla is Going to Crash Into Venus or Earth?

According to a new study, there is a slim chance that Musk's Roadster (and Spaceman) could collide with Earth or…

7 years ago

Mars 2020 Rover is Going to be Taking a Chunk of Mars Back to… Mars?

When the Mars 2020 arrives on the surface of the Red Planet, it will be carrying a piece of a…

7 years ago

Here’s a Prediction About the Orbit Musk’s Tesla is Going to Take Through the Solar System

The inaugural launch of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket is happening today! Here's a prediction of what will happen to…

7 years ago

ESA’s ExoMars has Completed its Aerobraking Maneuvers to Bring it Into a Circular 400 km Orbit Around Mars

In the past few months, the ExoMars orbiter has been conducting aerobraking maneuvers that have brought it steadily closer to…

7 years ago