
Stunning New Images Of Mars From The Curiosity Rover

Curiosity's latest images show the region known as Murray Butters, which bears a striking resemblance to the deserts of the…

8 years ago

Curiosity Rover’s Proximity To Possible Water Raises Planetary Protection Concerns

The Curiosity rover may need to divert its course soon, as its current path could cause it to contaminate a…

8 years ago

NASA’s InSight Lander Approved for 2018 Mars Launch

Top NASA managers have formally approved the launch of the agency’s InSight Lander to the Red Planet in the spring…

8 years ago

Curiosity Rover Captures Full-Circle Panorama of Enticing ‘Murray Buttes’ on Mars

Four years after a nail biting touchdown on the Red Planet, NASA’s SUV-sized Curiosity rover is at last nearing the…

8 years ago

On The Origin Of Phobos’ Groovy Mystery

A new study offers a possible explanation for the strange surface features on Mars' moon of Phobos, which could help…

8 years ago

NASA Goes With Atlas V To Launch Mars 2020 Rover

NASA has taken a major step towards the launch of its Mars 2020 rover, which included awarding a launch services…

8 years ago

A New NASA Cumulative Time in Space Record

Upon his return to Earth, astronaut Jeff Williams will have established a new record for most time spent in space,…

8 years ago

5 Days, 2 Spectacular Conjunctions

Conjunctions of bright planets make for jewelry in the sky. This week, get ready for some celestial shimmer. If you've been…

8 years ago

What are the Planets of the Solar System?

The eight planets of the Solar System are a diverse and interesting bunch, ranging from airless and habitable terrestrial bodies…

8 years ago

Did Cirrus Clouds Help Keep Early Mars Warm & Wet?

The presence of cirrus clouds in the early Martian atmosphere may have helped it stay warm enough for liquid water.

8 years ago