
Euclid and the Geometry of the Dark Universe

Euclid, an exciting new mission to map the geometry, distribution and evolution of dark energy and dark matter has just…

13 years ago

Newest X-Ray Observatory Will Hunt for Black Holes and More

[/caption] The next launch of a NASA space mission is the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR. It study wide…

13 years ago

Features on Mars Erased From Existence

[/caption] More proof that Mars is an ever-changing world: In 2010, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s HiRISE camera spotted evidence that…

13 years ago

JUICE to Jupiter Could Be ESA’s Next Major Science Mission

[/caption] The Science Programme Committee of the European Space Agency has recommended that the next major space mission for ESA…

13 years ago

Asteroid Lutetia Flyby Animation

In today's Weekly Space Hangout, Emily Lakdawalla from the Planetary Society mentioned an animation of recently released images from the…

13 years ago

Will Russia Rescue ExoMars?

[/caption] After NASA was forced to back out the joint ExoMars mission with the European Space Agency due to budget…

13 years ago

Take a Ride on a Rocket Sled To Test Supersonic Decelerators

Landing large payloads on Mars -- large enough to bring humans to the Red Planet's surface -- is still beyond…

13 years ago

Did Water or Lava Carve the Outflow Channels on Mars?

Large features on Mars called outflow channels have been a point of contention among planetary scientists. “Most Mars scientists accept…

13 years ago

Huge ‘Tornado’ on the Sun

[/caption] The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured images and video of a spectacular rotation of material from the Sun in a…

13 years ago

Twister on Mars: The Movie

As we reported earlier this month, The HiRISE camera captured a tornado in action on Mars, and this dramatic new…

13 years ago