
Do You Need Some Space?

Of course you do! (Who doesn't?) And so here's a wonderful tour of our Solar System to provide you with…

11 years ago

Titan’s North Pole is Loaded With Lakes

A combination of exceptionally clear weather, the steady approach of northern summer, and a poleward orbital path has given Cassini…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – October 20, 2013: In Space, Nobody can Hear You Waka-Waka-Waka-Waka!

Sunday's Virtual Star Party felt like a reunion, with Mike Phillips, Gary Gonella, and Roy Salisbury supplying images and Scott…

11 years ago

Skeleton Crew gets LADEE in Orbit, Checked Out and Fires Revolutionary Laser During Gov’t Shutdown

NASA’s new LADEE spacecraft successfully entered lunar orbit, is operating beautifully and has begun shooting its radical laser communications experiment…

11 years ago

This is the Moon, the Whole Moon and Nothing But the Moon

Take a look around the Moon... no, really, take a good look AROUND the Moon! This is a fantastic animation…

11 years ago

How the Moon Would Look if it Were at the Same Distance as the Space Station

This is completely impossible, but fun just the same. How would the Moon look from Earth if it orbited at…

11 years ago

To The Moon! Crowdfunded Solar Sail Shoots For Lunar Launch

It's a tiny satellite with ambitious goals: to zip all the way from the Earth to the Moon using a…

11 years ago

Virtual Star Party – October 13, 2013

We've got a pretty bright Moon, but that just means we've got another target for the Virtual Star Party. Tonight…

11 years ago

Oct. 7, 1959 – Our First Look at the Far Side of the Moon

For millennia, human eyes have seen only one face of the moon. Put a dude from the Iron Age in…

11 years ago