NASA Astronaut Survey: No Launch Day Drinking

A NASA survey of astronauts and flight surgeons released on January 23, 2008 turned up no evidence of launch day…

17 years ago

Should NASA Overhaul Its Vision?

Is the moon really "so yesterday?" An article in the Jan. 18 issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology reported…

17 years ago

NASA Wants Your Opinion on the Lunar Lander

NASA's Constellation Program has released an announcement that they are looking for people to evaluate the design of the Altair…

17 years ago

Ulysses Passes Over Sun’s North Pole

Continuing on its epic journey around the Sun, Ulysses has reached the Sun's north pole just in the nick of time.…

17 years ago

Meteor Shower Throws Over 100 Meteors per Hour

With over 100 meteors per hour, the Quadrantid Meteor Shower is one of the latest mergers between Google and NASA,…

17 years ago

Controversial NASA Aviation Report Released

NASA released the results on Dec. 31 from an $11.3 million federal air safety study. The agency previously withheld the…

17 years ago

Happy Holidays in Space

NASA is encouraging Earthlings to send a holiday greeting to the members of Expedition 16 on board the International Space…

17 years ago

NASA’s New Look

NASA unveiled a new look for its website over the weekend, and hopes that blogs, interactive features, and a customizable…

17 years ago

NASA Tests New Parachutes for Ares Spacecraft

This has been an exciting week for NASA's Constellation program -- the missions that will bring humans back to the…

17 years ago