James Webb Makes The Journey From Houston To Los Angeles; Last Stop Before It Heads To The Launch Facility In 2019

The James Webb Space Telescope is now in LA. After final assembly there, it will undergo more testing. Then it…

7 years ago

Now That NASA’s Missing IMAGE Satellite Has Been Found, Talking To It Is Going To Be Difficult

NASA has confirmed that their missing IMAGE satellite was indeed located by an amateur astronomer in Canada. But re-establishing contact…

7 years ago

Icy Worlds Like Europa and Enceladus Might Actually be too Soft to Land On

According to a new study led by the Planetary Science Institute, Europa and Enceladus may have surfaces that are too…

7 years ago

NASA’s Insight Lander Spreads Its Solar Wings. It’ll Fly To Mars In May, 2018

NASA's InSight lander will launch in May 2018, NASA has announced. InSight will study the interior structure of Mars to…

7 years ago

NASA’s Aqua Satellite Watches Ships Crossing the Atlantic Ocean

A new image released by NASA's Aqua satellite shows a beautiful pattern of clouds created by ships criss-crossing the Atlantic…

7 years ago

This is Ice in Antarctica, Flowing in Slow Motion Like Water Going Through River Rapids

As part of their ninth year monitoring the Antarctic peninsula, Operation IceBridge recently flew above the ice sheet and took…

7 years ago

Just Like Earth, Titan Has a “Sea Level” for its Lakes and Seas

Based on Cassini data, two new studies have been produced that reveal some new and interesting things about Saturn's largest…

7 years ago

James Webb Wraps up 3 Months in the Freezer. It’s Ready for Space

The James Webb Space Telescope just emerged from 3 months of vacuum-chamber testing, another milestone on the road towards its…

7 years ago

Lava Tube Openings Found Near the Moon’s North Pole

A series of possibly "skylights" have been spotted in the Moon's norther polar region, offering possibilities for future exploration and…

7 years ago

Huge Sheets of Ice Found Hidden Just Beneath the Surface of Mars

A recent study based on data from multiple orbiters indicates that Mars has multiple sheets of subsurface ice, and they…

7 years ago