near earth asteroids

Steam-Powered Spacecraft Could Explore the Asteroid Belt Forever, Refueling Itself in Space

A partnership between Honeybee Robotics and the University of Central Florida has produced the first steam-powered spacecraft for asteroid mining.

6 years ago

Hayabusa’s Target Itokawa Formed 4.6 Billion Years Ago, But Then it Was Smashed Up About 1.5 Billion Years Ago

According to new research by a team of Japanese researchers, samples from the Itokawa asteroid provide new clues to the…

6 years ago

Earth’s Mini-Moons are the Perfect Targets to Test Out Asteroid Mining

A new study by an international team of researchers indicates that "mini-moons" will soon be detectable, and could provide opportunities…

6 years ago

A Long Exposure Hubble Image of a Galaxy Cluster Also Turned up 22 Asteroids

While observing a distant galaxy cluster, an image taken by Hubble was photobombed by 22 previously undetected asteroids.

6 years ago

There’s a Hard Rock Rain on the Moon, We Can See it From Earth

In the hopes of telling us more about Near-Earth Objects, the NELIOTA project has begun to study bright flashes on…

8 years ago

Student Aids In Tracking Down Near Earth Asteroids

[/caption] It's one of the scariest scenarios that could face Earth. Can you imagine an asteroid impact? Even if it…

13 years ago

Another Asteroid Passes Close to Earth

On Tuesday, February 5, 2008 an SUV sized asteroid passed between the Earth and the moon. Asteroid 2008 CT1 came…

17 years ago