Billowing gas clouds and young stars feature in this February Hubble Space Telescope image, released as the telescope approaches its…
Due to gravity, most objects in space are spherical -- whether it's round planets and stars or swirling spiral galaxies.…
Circinus X-1 may look like a serene place from a distance, but in reality this gassy nebula is quite a…
Aww, how cute! What an adorable little... nebula? Although here it may look like it could fit in your hand,…
Some 160,000 light years away towards the constellation of Dorado (the Swordfish), is an amazing area of starbirth and death.…
Host: Scott Lewis Astronomers: Stuart Forman, David Dickinson, Tom Nathe, Roy Salisbury, Mike Phillips, Thad Szabo (more…)
Sunday's Virtual Star Party felt like a reunion, with Mike Phillips, Gary Gonella, and Roy Salisbury supplying images and Scott…
We've got a pretty bright Moon, but that just means we've got another target for the Virtual Star Party. Tonight…
Is it Friday already? Then it's time for another Weekly Space Hangout. Join a team of dedicated space journalists to…
Here's a truly gorgeous image by astrophotographer Mick Hyde, a mosaic of NGC 7000 (the North American nebula) and the…