neutral buoyancy laboratory

Next Generation Spacesuit Gets Tested in Weightlessness

Considerable effort goes into the design of space suits and space agencies across the world are always working on improvements…

10 months ago

Gallery: Diving For Spacewalks Is Way Tougher Than You Think

If you've spent any length of time underwater, you appreciate just how much drag it creates on your limbs --…

10 years ago

Astronaut Does A ‘Moon’ Walk In The Sea. Better Yet, It’s Just One Of Many Recent Underwater Missions

The black-and-white tones of this photo evoke a famous Moon walk of 1969, but in reality it was taken in…

11 years ago

The Ocean is a lot Like Outer Space

Just about any space mission these days requires water training. Think of the countless hours astronauts spend in the Neutral…

12 years ago