
How Massive Is A Neutrino? Cosmology Experiment Gives A Clue

There have been a lot of attempts over the years to figure out the mass of a neutrino (a type…

11 years ago

Neutron Stars: A Cataclysmic Conception

It's one of the most intense and violent of all events in space - a supernova. Now a team of…

12 years ago

Hailing Frequencies Open? Communication Via Neutrinos Tested Successfully

[/caption] In science fiction – like in Star Trek, for example -- interstellar communication was never a problem; all you…

13 years ago

Neutrinos Obey The Speed Limit, After All

[/caption] Neutrinos have been cleared of allegations of speeding, according to an announcement issued today by CERN and the ICARUS…

13 years ago

Faster Than Light? More Like Faulty Wiring.

[/caption] You can shelf your designs for a warp drive engine (for now) and put the DeLorean back in the…

13 years ago

Journal Club – Neutrino Vision

[/caption] According to Wikipedia, a journal club is a group of individuals who meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles…

13 years ago

Neutrinos Still Breaking Speed Limits

[/caption] New test results are in from OPERA and it seems those darn neutrinos, they just can't keep their speed…

13 years ago

Borexino Collaboration Detects pep Neutrinos

[/caption] Solar neutrino physics has quieted down over the past decade. In the past, it had been a source of…

13 years ago

Particle Physics and Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos…Discuss.

On September 22, an international team of researchers working on the OPERA project at the Gran Sasso research facility released…

13 years ago

Faster Than The Speed Of Light… OPERA Update

[/caption] A few days ago, the physics world was turned upside down at the announcement of "faster than the speed…

13 years ago