
Spacecraft was able to measure how long neutrons last before they decay

Using NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft's close encounters with Venus and Mercury, researchers were able to measure the lifetime of neutrons, an…

5 years ago

What Are The Parts Of An Atom?

Thanks to centuries of ongoing research, modern scientists have a very good understanding of how atoms work and what their…

9 years ago

What’s the Big Deal About the Pentaquark?

"Three quarks for Muster Mark!," wrote James Joyce in his labyrinthine fable, Finnegan's Wake. By now, you may have heard this quote -…

9 years ago

Pulsar Sets New Speed Record

A pulsar may have been spotted racing through space at over 6 million miles per hour (9.65 million km/h), setting…

12 years ago

Super Star Smashes into the Record Books.

[/caption] The discovery of a super massive neutron star has thrown our understanding of stellar evolution into turmoil. The new…

14 years ago