new horizons 2015

Charon’s Red Cap at its North Pole? We Might Have an Answer

Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, started off as a beautiful, smooth red grape until someone came along, mostly peeled it, tried…

3 years ago

Catching Earth at Aphelion

Do you feel a little… distant today? The day after the 4th of July weekend brings with it the promise…

9 years ago

See Pluto for Yourself Ahead of New Horizons’ Historic Encounter

Are you ready for July? The big ticket space event of the year is coming right up, as NASA’s New…

9 years ago

A Brief History of Nukes in Space

In just a few short weeks, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will make its historic flyby of Pluto and its moons.…

10 years ago

OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sampler Enters Final Assembly

OSIRIS-Rex, NASA’s first ever spacecraft designed to collect and retrieve pristine samples of an asteroid for return to Earth has…

10 years ago

10 Space Science Stories to Watch in 2015

A new Avengers movie. A reboot of the Star Wars franchise. The final installment of the Hunger Games. The Martian…

10 years ago

The Top 101 Astronomical Events to Watch for in 2015

Phew! It’s here. Now in its seventh year of compilation and the second year running on Universe Today, we’re proud…

10 years ago

The Hunt for KBOs for New Horizons’ Post-Pluto Encounter Continues

Are you ready for the summer of 2015? A showdown of epic proportions is in the making, as NASA’s New…

11 years ago