One of the best bright star lunar occultations for 2024 occurs this week, as the Moon covers Spica. Have you…
A worldwide team of dedicated observers ‘stood in the shadow’ of asteroid Didymos recently, as it passed in front of…
Astronomers will go to great lengths for science. Recently, dozens of astronomers had the misfortune of traveling to one of… We are pleased to once again welcome Casey Dreier from the Planetary Society to the WSH. Casey will update…
When NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto, studying the atmosphere was a key scientific objective. Most of what we…
The ESA's Gaia mission recently allowed astronomers to catch a glimpse of Europa as it passed in front of a…
An unusual celestial spectacle unfolds for observers around the Great Lakes region next Tuesday at dawn. The Moon has been…
How about that Hunter's Supermoon this past weekend, huh? Follow that Moon, as it's meeting up with the Hyades again…
The Moon occults Aldebaran tonight, crosses the Hyades star cluster and more.
Set your alarm for Friday morning at dawn when the crescent Moon will either cover up, barely miss or pass…