That's exactly the scenario shown by a mesmerizing animation called "Worlds" by Alex Parker -- a single system containing 2299…
Here's a look down at Curiosity from the HiRISE camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, orbiting approximately 200 km (125…
People keep making these videos from ISS photography, and we keep loving them. Here's the latest, assembled by photographer Knate…
In what may very well be the world's first computer-generated animation, this video shows the motion of a box-like "satellite"…
As part of his ongoing (and always entertaining) "Science Off the Sphere" series, Expedition 31 flight engineer Don Pettit experiments…
Wildfires continue to rage across the western United States, burning forests and property alike, and even the most remote have…
[/caption] Here's an amazing shot of a flash of lightning within storm clouds over west Africa, captured from orbit by…
51 years ago today, on May 5, 1961, NASA launched the Mercury-Redstone 3 rocket carrying Alan B. Shepard, Jr. aboard…
Time for your daily dose of awesomeness from the ISS! Here's a time-lapse video of the Aurora Australis photographed by…
Pretty impressive, I'd say! This video is a compilation of different time-lapses taken from the ISS over the past several…