Palomar Observatory

Astronomers Solve the Mystery of the Famed Brown Dwarf That is Too Bright: It’s Twins!

In 1995, Caltech researchers at the Institute's Palomar Observatory first observed what appeared to be a brown dwarf orbiting Gliese…

2 months ago

From the way These Stars Look, a Supernova is Inevitable

Sometimes loud explosions are easier to deal with when you know they’re coming.  They are also easier to watch out…

3 years ago

The (Possible) Dwarf Planet 2007 OR10

Within the Kuiper Belt lies the possible dwarf planet 2007 OR10, one of many objects that has forced astronomers to…

9 years ago

Another Must-Have Tool for Astronomers: A Shovel

Ah, the glamorous life of an astronomer. Scott Kardel, public affairs coordinator for the Palomar Observatory, found himself on top…

14 years ago