We’ve Found 10,000 Near-Earth Objects. How To Step Up The Search?

That pale white dot up there? No. 10,000 in a list of near-Earth objects. This rock, 2013 MZ5, was discovered June…

12 years ago

Black Holes are More Like Venus Fly Traps than Vacuum Cleaners

[/caption] I’m going to try and say this before the Bad Astronomer does: Holy Haleakala! A team of astronomers using…

13 years ago

New Record: Telescope Finds 19 Near-Earth Asteroids in One Night

[/caption] From a University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy press release: The Pan-STARRS PS1 telescope on Haleakala, Maui, discovered 19…

14 years ago

Fully Functional Pan-STARRS is now Panning for Stars, Asteroids and Comets

[/caption] There's a new eye on the skies on the lookout for 'killer' asteroids and comets. The first Pan-STARRS (Panoramic…

15 years ago