Primordial Black Holes

Planetary Mass Objects Discovered in Other Galaxies

A team of researchers at the University of Oklahoma have discovered "planetary mass bodies" outside of the Milky Way. They…

5 years ago

Now We Know That Dark Matter Isn’t Primordial Black Holes

A new study by an international team of scientists has tested Hawking's theory of dark matter, and ruled out that…

5 years ago

Dark Matter Isn’t Made From Black Holes

A new study by a team of UC Berkeley researchers has shown that black holes are not the long-sought-after source…

6 years ago

Towards A New Understanding Of Dark Matter

Could Primordial Black Holes be what the Universe's dark matter is made of?

8 years ago

Primordial Black Holes, Dark Matter and Stellar Collisions… Oh, My!

[/caption] Well, we're off to see the Wizard again, my friends. This time it's to explore the possibilities of primordial…

13 years ago