
Do Exoplanet Scientists Have Favorite Exoplanets?

Exoplanets have become quite the sensation over the last decade-plus, with scientists confirming new exoplanets on a regular basis thanks…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find a Brand new Pulsar That's Probably Less Than 14 Years old

Astronomers have discovered a neutron star so young it's barely a teenager.

2 years ago

A Pulsar has Been Found Turning so Slowly Astronomers Didn't Even Think it was Possible: Once Every 76 Seconds

Using the MeerKAT array, an international team of astronomers has detected a new class of radio-emitting neutron star!

2 years ago

Traveling the Solar System with Pulsar Navigation

A team of researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have found a way for travelers through the Solar System…

2 years ago

A Pulsar is Blasting out Jets of Matter and Antimatter

Why is there so much antimatter in the Universe? Ordinary matter is far more plentiful than antimatter, but scientists keep…

2 years ago

Astronomers Scan 800 Pulsars to See If Any of Them Have Planets

Astronomers discovered the first exoplanets in 1992. They found a pair of them orbiting the pulsar PSR B1257+12 about 2300…

3 years ago

Twin Stars Prove Einstein at Least 99.99% Right

A 16-year study by an international team of astronomers has confirmed Einstein's Theory of General Relativity and witnessed some predicted…

3 years ago

NASA Launches a New X-ray Observatory

A new mission has launched to study some the most intriguing secrets of the universe. No, not THAT spacecraft (JWST…

3 years ago

Astronomers Might use Pulsars to First Detect Merging Supermassive Black Holes

Astronomers have been using gravitational waves to detect merging black holes for years now, but may have to rely on…

3 years ago

Astronomers Think They’ve Found the Neutron Star Remnant Left Behind from Supernova 1987A

It was the brightest supernova in nearly 400 years when it lit the skies of the southern hemisphere in February…

4 years ago