red giant star

Instead of Losing its Atmosphere, an Exoplanet Puffed Up and Held Onto it

To date, astronomers have confirmed the existence of 5638 extrasolar planets in 4,199 star systems. In the process, scientists have…

7 months ago

Three Planets Around this Sunlike Star are Doomed. Doomed!

According to new research we can start writing the eulogy for four exoplanets around a Sun-like star about 57 light…

1 year ago

Slimmed Down Red Giants Had Their Mass Stolen By a Companion Star

Millions of stars that can grow up to 620 million miles in diameter, known as 'red giants,' exist in our…

3 years ago

Astronomers See A Dead Star Come Back To Life Thanks To A Donor Star

Two stars are caught in a unique relationship. The larger red giant star sheds material which its companion neutron star…

7 years ago

Friendly Giants Have Cozy Habitable Zones Too

According to a recent study from the Carl Sagan Institute, aging red giant stars could still have habitable zones that…

9 years ago

What Are The Different Types of Stars?

Stars come in many different sizes, colors, and types, and understanding where they fit in the grand scheme is important…

16 years ago