Rogue stars

What Would Happen to Earth if a Rogue Star Came Too Close?

Stars are gravitationally fastened to their galaxies and move in concert with their surroundings. But sometimes, something breaks the bond.…

1 year ago

Astronomers are Finding Binary Pairs of Stars Thrown out of Galaxies Together

A rogue star is one that has escaped the gravitational pull of its home galaxy. These stars drift through intergalactic…

6 years ago

‘Lopsided’ Supernova Could Be Responsible for Rogue Hypervelocity Stars

Hypervelocity stars have been observed traversing the Galaxy at extreme velocities (700 km/s), but the mechanisms that give rise to such phenomena…

10 years ago

Hundreds of Rogue Stars Found Just Outside the Milky Way

[/caption] It’s not quite like being kicked off a reality TV show, but some stars can get kicked out from…

13 years ago