Ron Garan

This is What War (and Borders) Look Like From Space

There’s an oft-used idiom that you can’t see political borders from space, but we’ve known for a while it’s no…

10 years ago

Ron Garan’s Incredible ISS Timelapse: Coming Back Home

Time Lapse From Space - Literally. The Journey Home. from Fragile Oasis on Vimeo. We've seen lots of timelapse videos…

13 years ago

Awesome Pic: Astronaut Ron Garan’s Window to the World

[/caption] This has become my new favorite space photo! Look closely into the windows of the Cupola on the International…

13 years ago

It Turns Out Some Borders *Are* Visible from Space

[/caption] There is an oft-repeated and perhaps beautiful saying that you can't see political borders from space. Well, it turns…

13 years ago

No Evacuation Plans for ISS Yet

[/caption] The International Space Station has had a continual human presence for nearly 11 years, and so the astronauts now…

13 years ago

ISS Crew Provides Light-Hearted Look at Current Space Flight Plight

What does the International Space Station crew think about the situation they face since the Progress cargo ship mishap? Astronaut…

13 years ago

What Does the Moon Look Like from Space?

[/caption] Ah, the Moon! Earth's constant companion and the subject of songs, poetry, and many an astrophoto here on Universe…

13 years ago

Manhattan-Sized Ice Island Seen From Space

[/caption] Taken by NASA astronaut and Expedition 27 flight  engineer Ron Garan, this image shows the Petermann Ice Island (PII-A)…

13 years ago

Ron Garan’s Videoblog from Space

What is it really like to live in space? ISS astronaut Ron Garan has been steadily communicating his experiences on…

14 years ago

Astronaut Explains Why We Should Return to the Moon

[/caption] The debate on why humans should or should not return to the Moon has been ongoing for years. Two…

15 years ago