
This Rover Could Hunt For Lunar Water And Oxygen In 2018

In 2018, NASA plans to go prospecting at the moon's south pole with a rover -- possibly, a version of…

11 years ago

‘I Didn’t Think He Would Drown’: Spacewalking Crewmember on Spacesuit Leak

Safely back on Earth on Sept. 10, astronaut Chris Cassidy happily chatters about his daily trips to the gym --…

11 years ago

This Company Wants To Send Robots Into Lunar Caves

Ever since (and most likely long before) the first tantalizing glimpses of a lunar lava tube and skylight were captured…

11 years ago

Meet GROVER the Rover, Set For Greenland Exploration

How fast is Greenland's ice sheet melting in response to climate change, and how is it recovering? A new NASA…

11 years ago

Curiosity Once Again in Safe Mode – If Only Briefly

Not even two and a half weeks after a memory glitch that sent NASA's Curiosity rover into a safe mode…

11 years ago

First Color Image of Curiosity’s Tracks from Orbit

HiRISE image of Curiosity's tracks, landing zone and the MSL rover at John Klein outcrop (NASA/JPL/University of Arizona) As Curiosity…

12 years ago

NASA Reveals Plans for New Mars Rover

Sequels are all the rage these days... even for NASA, apparently. At the American Geophysical Union 2012 convention in San…

12 years ago

Curiosity’s Laser Leaves Its Mark

Before-and-after images from Curiosity's ChemCam  micro-imager show holes left by its million-watt laser (NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/LPGN/CNRS) PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW! Curiosity's head-mounted ChemCam did a…

12 years ago

Take a Look Through Curiosity’s ChemCam

This (adjusted) image was taken by ChemCam's Remote Micro-Imager on Sol 15 (NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL) While Curiosity has been getting a good…

12 years ago

Curiosity’s Sundial Carries a Message of Hope

 A recent high-definition image from Curiosity's Mastcam shows the rover's sundial (NASA/JPL-Caltech) While Curiosity is definitely loaded up with some…

12 years ago