Breakthrough Listen Publishes First Analysis Of 692 Stars In ET Search

Breakthrough Listen, the most ambitious SETI program in history, just released an analysis of their first year of data, which…

8 years ago

SETI Has Already Tried Listening to TRAPPIST-1 for Aliens

Ever since the presence of exoplanets was announced in the TRAPPIST-1 system, SETI has been monitoring the system for signs…

8 years ago

What If We Do Find Aliens?

We've been so busy wondering how we'll find aliens that we never stopped to consider what we'll do if we…

8 years ago

Either Stars are Strange, or There Are 234 Aliens Trying to Contact Us

Astronomers have found 234 stars that are acting suspiciously like signals sent by extra-terrestrials.

8 years ago

Going Viral: Why Alien Signals Get Everyone Excited

So, that ‘strong’ signal from aliens everyone was so excited about this week? Turns out, it was probably something from…

8 years ago

Aliens? “Strong” Signal Detected From Sun-Like Star Being Verified By SETI

We’re not saying its aliens, but this could be the most enticing signal from space since the famous “Wow! Signal”…

8 years ago

Why Haven’t We Found Any Aliens Yet?

A growing list of scientists believe life on Earth only came about because of a lucky series of evolutionary accidents,…

8 years ago

Alien Minds Part III: The Octopus’s Garden and the Country of the Blind

If we do discover that there are aliens orbiting other planets, will we know how to communicate with them? What…

9 years ago

Alien Minds Part II: Do Aliens Think Big Brains are Sexy Too?

Can we assume that aliens will evolve intelligence over the eons, and will this lead to other technological civilizations? Will…

9 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – May 27, 2016: Dr. Seth Shostak

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Dr. Seth Shostak is the Senior Astronomer at the SETI Institute. He also heads…

9 years ago