Did a Galactic Smashup Kick Out a Supermassive Black Hole?

Crazy things can happen when galaxies collide, as they sometimes do. Although individual stars rarely impact each other, the gravitational…

10 years ago

Navigating the Cosmos by Quasar

50 million light-years away a quasar resides in the hub of galaxy NGC 4438, an incredibly bright source of light…

11 years ago

Galactic Gas Cloud Could Help Spot Hidden Black Holes

The heart of our Milky Way galaxy is an exotic place. It's swarming with gigantic stars, showered by lethal blasts…

12 years ago

Black Hole Jets Might Be Molded by Magnetism

Visible-light Hubble image of the jet emitted by the 3-billion-solar-mass black hole at the heart of galaxy M87 (Feb. 1998)…

12 years ago

“Oddball” Galaxy Contains the Biggest Black Hole Yet

Image of lenticular galaxy NGC 1277 taken with Hubble Space Telescope. (NASA/ESA/Andrew C. Fabian) It's thought that at the heart…

12 years ago

First-Ever Image of a Black Hole to be Captured by Earth-Sized Scope

[/caption] "Sgr A* is the right object, VLBI is the right technique, and this decade is the right time." So…

13 years ago