Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)

The Most Unique Eclipse Image You’ll Ever See

You’ve probably never before seen an image like the one above. That’s because it is the first time something like…

11 years ago

3 Years of the Sun in 3 Minutes

Since the Solar Dynamics Observatory opened its multi-spectral eyes in space about three years ago, we’ve posted numerous videos and…

11 years ago

Weekend Aurora Alert: The Sun Lets Loose an Earth-Directed CME

The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this view as the Sun let loose with its biggest solar flare of the year…

11 years ago

Solar Spacecraft Gets a Little Loopy

Twice a year, the Solar Dynamics Observatory performs a 360-degree roll about the axis on which it points toward the…

11 years ago

Astrophoto: Giant Sunspot Group on the Sun

On February 19 and 20, 2013, scientists watched a giant sunspot form in under 48 hours. It has grown to…

12 years ago

Stunning Compilation of the Solar Dynamic Observatory’s Observations

Three years ago today, (February 11, 2010) I was standing at Kennedy Space Center watching the launch of the Solar…

12 years ago

SDO’s Camilla the Rubber Chicken: Cure for a Common Phobia

We at Universe Today really appreciate the work that Camilla the Rubber Chicken does in her role of education and…

12 years ago

Disco Sun: X-Class Flare Creates Strobe-Light Effect

An active region just turning into view on the left side of the Sun has emitted three large flares since…

12 years ago

Peekaboo Sun: SDO’s Eclipse Season

Now you see it, now you don't! Around the solstices, the Solar Dynamics Observatory ends up having an “eclipse season,”…

12 years ago

Watch This: Solar Prominence Achieves Liftoff

And we have liftoff! The Solar Dynamics Observatory has been providing images and video of some beautiful prominences and filaments…

12 years ago