Solar System

Pluto and Other Kuiper Belt Objects Started Out With Water Oceans, and Have Been Slowly Freezing Solid for Billions of Years

It seems unlikely that an ocean could persist on a world that never gets closer than 30 astronomical units from…

4 years ago

NASA Thinks it’s Time to Return to Neptune With its Trident Mission

Is it time to head back to Neptune and its moon Triton? It might be. After all, we have some…

4 years ago

New Pictures of Phobos, Seen in the Infrared

NASA's Mars Odyssey Orbiter doesn't get a lot of headlines lately. It was sent to Mars in 2001, to detect…

4 years ago

Titan is Drifting Away from Saturn Surprisingly Quickly

Where did Saturn's bizarro-moon Titan form? Did it form where it is now, or has it migrated? We have decades…

4 years ago

Maybe the Elusive Planet 9 Doesn’t Exist After All

Oh Planet Nine, when will you stop toying with us? Whether you call it Planet Nine, Planet X, the Perturber,…

4 years ago

The Solar System Might Not Exist if There Wasn’t a Huge Galactic Collision with the Milky Way Billions of Years Ago

The Milky Way has a number of satellite galaxies; nearly 60 of them, depedending on how we define them. One…

4 years ago

Jupiter is so Big that our Solar System almost had two Suns

About half of all the star systems in the galaxy are made of pairs or triplets of stars. Our solar…

4 years ago

Nutrient-Poor and Energy-Starved. How Life Might Survive at the Extremes in the Solar System

Our growing understanding of extremophiles here on Earth has opened up new possibilities in astrobiology. Scientists are taking another look…

5 years ago

OSIRIS-REx Flew 620 Meters Above its Landing Site. Confirms that it’s a Boulder-Strewn Nightmare, Just Like the Rest of Bennu

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft reached its target, asteroid Bennu (101955 Bennu), on December 3rd, 2018. Since then, the spacecraft has been…

5 years ago

We Know We’re Made of Stardust. But Did it Come From Red Giants?

We've all heard this one: when you drink a glass of water, that water has already been through a bunch…

5 years ago