Solar System

Just discovered! “Farout”, the Farthest Object Ever Seen in the Solar System

Astronomers have discovered a distant body that's more than 100 times farther from the Sun than Earth is. Its provisional…

6 years ago

OSIRIS-REx has Finally Caught up with Asteroid Bennu. Let the Analysis and Sample Collection Commence!

NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has reached its destination and is now in orbit around asteroid Bennu. The spacecraft travelled for over…

6 years ago

It’s Decided, the Mars 2020 Rover Will Land in Jezero Crater

Jezero crater is the landing spot for NASA's upcoming 2020 rover. The crater is a rich geological site, and the…

6 years ago

Strange Grooves on Phobos Were Caused by Boulders Rolling Around on its Surface

Back in the 1970s, NASA's Mariner and Viking Missions were sent out to explore other planets in our Solar System.…

6 years ago

Lunar Outpost Shows off their New Rover that will Crawl the Moon, Searching for Resources

Space technology company Lunar Outpost has unveiled their new Lunar Prospector rover that will explore the surface of the Moon…

6 years ago

Honey, Where’s the Space Sperm? It’s in Low-Earth Orbit, Dear

It's always wise to be prepared for a disaster, but space sperm is taking it a little too far. Having…

6 years ago

Not all the Earth’s Water Came From Comets

We have comets and asteroids to thank for Earth's water, according to the most widely-held theory among scientists. But it's…

6 years ago

Parker Solar Probe Became the Closest Thing We’ve Ever Sent to the Sun. And it’s Just Getting Started.

NASA's Parker Solar Probe is now the closest object to the Sun that we've ever sent into space. On Oct.…

6 years ago

There’s a Funny Cloud on Mars, Perched Right at the Arsia Mons Volcano. Don’t Get Too Excited, Though, it’s not an Eruption

This 1500km long cloud on Mars is formed by the size and shape of Arsia Mons, but it's not related…

6 years ago

Being Cassini. Experience What It Was Like to Fly Past Jupiter and Saturn and Their Moons

What would it be like to be onboard the Cassini orbiter as it made its way around Jupiter and Saturn…

6 years ago