Solar System

The Giant Planets in the Solar System Stunted the Growth of Mars

A new study by an international team of researchers indicates that Mars' growth was stunted due to the orbital instability…

7 years ago

This Meteorite is One of the Few Remnants from a Lost Planet that was Destroyed Long Ago

A new study provides evidence of a so-called lost planet that was formed in the early days of the Solar…

7 years ago

Look at This Fascinating Variety of Planet-Forming Disks Around Other Stars

New images from the European Southern Observatory show the stunning variety of discs of gas and dust that surround young…

7 years ago

70,000 Years Ago a Nearby Star Messed With the Orbits Of Comets and Asteroids in our Solar System

70,000 years ago, Scholz's Star visited our neighbourhood, and changed the trajectories of hundreds of objects in out Solar System.

7 years ago

Jupiter’s Atmospheric Bands Go Surprisingly Deep

Three new studies have been released based on Juno data that have revealed new things about Jupiter's atmospheric bands and…

7 years ago

Gaze in Wonder at Jupiter’s Mysterious Geometric Polar Storms

Each of Jupiter's poles is a beautiful, geometric arrangement of Earth-sized cyclones. In the north, 8 storms surround one central…

7 years ago

How Badly Will Humanity Freak Out if We Discover Alien Life?

Scientists at Arizona State University wanted to find out what peoples' reactions would be to the announcement of the discovery…

7 years ago

Interstellar Asteroid ‘Oumuamua Had a Violent Past

According to the latest study by a team that has been observing 'Oumuamua since it was first discovered, this interstellar…

7 years ago

NASA’s Insight Lander Spreads Its Solar Wings. It’ll Fly To Mars In May, 2018

NASA's InSight lander will launch in May 2018, NASA has announced. InSight will study the interior structure of Mars to…

7 years ago

Where’s the Line Between Massive Planet and Brown Dwarf Star?

Astronomers have debated which objects are gas giants like Jupiter, and which are more correctly called brown dwarfs. A new…

7 years ago