Solar System

Where is Earth in the Milky Way?

The Milky Way Galaxy is a very, very big place. And figuring out where Earth resides inside of it has…

8 years ago

New Dwarf Planet Discovered Beyond Neptune

A dwarf planet has been discovered beyond Neptune. It's about 700 km in size, and its orbit takes it 120…

8 years ago

What are the Jovian Planets?

In the outer region of our Solar System lie four giant planets - also known as Jovians. And beyond our…

8 years ago

Juno and the Deep Space Network: Bringing The Data Home

Sonny Giroux, Program Manager for NASA's Deep Space Network, explains how Juno uses the Network to communicate, and some of…

8 years ago

Returned Samples Of Asteroid Itokawa Show Violent 4.5 Billion Year History

Asteroid Itokawa had a sometimes violent 4.5 billion year history, according to samples returned by Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa.

8 years ago

Earth Has An Almost-Moon

Earth has a new dance partner, a quasi-moon named 2016 H03.

8 years ago

470 Million Year Old Meteorite Discovered In Swedish Quarry

A fossilized meteorite from a quarry in Sweden is a new type of space rock that's different from other meteors.

8 years ago

Mars Stink To Be Duplicated For Earthbound Humans

The smell of Mars could be recreated here on Earth. Might it help prepare colonists for their stay on Mars?

8 years ago

How Was the Solar System Formed? – The Nebular Hypothesis

Billions of year ago, the Sun, the planets, and all other objects in the Solar System began as a giant,…

8 years ago

Mars At Closest Point To Earth in 11 Years May 30, 2016

Mars is reaching its closest point to Earth in 11 years, and will be a delightful to amateur astronomers.

8 years ago