Solar System

New Dwarf Planet Discovered Beyond Neptune

A dwarf planet has been discovered beyond Neptune. It's about 700 km in size, and its orbit takes it 120…

8 years ago

What are the Jovian Planets?

In the outer region of our Solar System lie four giant planets - also known as Jovians. And beyond our…

8 years ago

Juno and the Deep Space Network: Bringing The Data Home

Sonny Giroux, Program Manager for NASA's Deep Space Network, explains how Juno uses the Network to communicate, and some of…

9 years ago

Returned Samples Of Asteroid Itokawa Show Violent 4.5 Billion Year History

Asteroid Itokawa had a sometimes violent 4.5 billion year history, according to samples returned by Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa.

9 years ago

Earth Has An Almost-Moon

Earth has a new dance partner, a quasi-moon named 2016 H03.

9 years ago

470 Million Year Old Meteorite Discovered In Swedish Quarry

A fossilized meteorite from a quarry in Sweden is a new type of space rock that's different from other meteors.

9 years ago

Mars Stink To Be Duplicated For Earthbound Humans

The smell of Mars could be recreated here on Earth. Might it help prepare colonists for their stay on Mars?

9 years ago

How Was the Solar System Formed? – The Nebular Hypothesis

Billions of year ago, the Sun, the planets, and all other objects in the Solar System began as a giant,…

9 years ago

Mars At Closest Point To Earth in 11 Years May 30, 2016

Mars is reaching its closest point to Earth in 11 years, and will be a delightful to amateur astronomers.

9 years ago

What is the Coldest Planet of Our Solar System?

Neptune, being the farthest planet from the Sun (sorry Pluto!) is now recognized as also being the coldest body in…

9 years ago