Solar System

Ancient Pluto May Have Had Lakes And Rivers Of Nitrogen

New Horizons data shows that Pluto may once have had a warm enough climate for liquid nitrogen to form on…

9 years ago

Sun-Like Star Shows Magnetic Field Was Key For Early Life On Earth

By studying the star Kappa Ceti, researchers have determined that the young Sun in our solar system was a much…

9 years ago

Eat Your Heart Out Pluto

The sublimation of methane ice into methane gas is leaving a bite-mark feature on the surface of Pluto.

9 years ago

Cassini Watches Star Through Enceladus’ Plume

Today Cassini will observe the light of the central star in Orion's belt as it passes through Enceladus' plumes.

9 years ago

MRO: Ten Years Of Breathtaking Work Above Mars

Hooray for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter! Ten years of ground-breaking science (and eye candy.)

9 years ago

Dark Stains on Mercury Reveal Its Ancient Crust

Ever since the MESSENGER spacecraft entered orbit around Mercury in 2011, and indeed even since Mariner 10's flyby in 1974, peculiar…

9 years ago

An Ancient Volcanic Cataclysm Spun Mars Off Its Poles

Ancient volcanic activity on a massive scale helped make Mars what it is today.

9 years ago

Surfing On Titan Would Be Best In Summer

Space is mostly vast and empty. So whenever we notice something like ripples on a lake of methane, on the…

9 years ago

Rosetta’s Philae Lander in Permanent Sleep

ESA's Philae lander, the first spacecraft to successfully soft-land on the surface of a comet and former piggyback partner to Rosetta,…

9 years ago

Retro Travel Posters Show Us The Future

These beautiful, retro-style posters from NASA recall the glory days of space tourism. That haven't happened yet.

9 years ago