Solar System

What is the Life Cycle Of The Sun?

Like all stars, our Sun has a life-cycle that began with its birth (4.57 billion years ago) and will end…

9 years ago

Order Of the Planets From The Sun

First the quick facts: Our Solar System has eight “official” planets which orbit the Sun. Here are the planets listed…

9 years ago

New Dwarf Planet is Most Distant Object Yet Observed in our Solar System

It has been estimated that there may be hundreds of dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt and Oort Cloud of…

9 years ago

Will We Contaminate Europa?

Europa is probably the best place in the Solar System to go searching for life. But before they're launched, any…

9 years ago

Saturn’s Moon Tethys

Thanks the Voyager missions and the more recent flybys conducted by the Cassini space probe, Saturn's system of moons have…

9 years ago

Is Jupiter Our Friend Or Enemy?

Like me, you’re probably a little ego-geocentric about the importance of Earth. It’s where you were born, it’s where you…

9 years ago

Is the Universe Dying?

Is our 13.8 billion year old universe actually in its death throes? Poor Universe, its demise announced right in it’s…

9 years ago

This is a Scale Model of the Solar System Like You’ve Never Seen Before

We've all seen illustrations of the Solar System. They're in our school textbooks, on posters, on websites, on t-shirts... in…

9 years ago

Planet Earth

Planet Earth is the birthplace of humanity, the cradle of human civilization, and the only known planet in our Solar…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 384: Escaping Probes

The gravity of the Earth is a tough thing to escape, but breaking free from the gravity of the Sun…

9 years ago