Solar System

The Oort Cloud Could Have More Rock Than Previously Believed

The Oort Cloud is a collection of icy objects in the furthest reaches of the Solar System. It contains the…

2 years ago

Astronomers Directly Image Debris Disk and find a Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting a Sunlike Star

The SHINE collaboration recently observed a Super-Jupiter within a young debris orbiting a nearby star. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); M. Weiss…

2 years ago

Baby Gas Giants Cast Shadows on Their Siblings

A team of astronomers has caught glimpses of gas giants forming around a very young star. The nascent giants are…

2 years ago

Mars Once had Enough Water for a Planet-Wide Ocean 300 Meters Deep

New research has shown that Mars may have been covered in a worldwide ocean when Earth was still covered in…

2 years ago

The Sun Could Hurl Powerful Storms at Earth From its Goofy Smile

Our Sun is the very reason we’re alive. It provides warmth and the energy our planet needs to keep going.…

2 years ago

Will Triton finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We recently examined how and why Saturn’s icy moon, Enceladus, could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? With its…

2 years ago

Edward Stone Has Been the Voyagers’ Project Scientist for 50 Years. He Just Retired

Edward Stone is retiring after 50 years as Project Scientist for the Voyager mission. The twin spacecraft revolutionized our understanding…

2 years ago

NASA Provides a Timelapse Movie Showing How the Universe Changed Over 12 Years

The Universe is over 13 billion years old, so a 12-year slice of that time might seem uneventful. But a…

2 years ago

Will Venus finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We recently examined how and why Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? It’s the…

2 years ago

Robots Might Jump Around to Explore the Moon

LEAP (Legged Exploration of the Aristarchus Plateau) is a mission concept study, funded by ESA, to explore challenging lunar terrains…

2 years ago