Soyuz rocket

Success ! Launch Video of Crucial Russian Rocket to ISS puts Human Flights back on Track Video caption: Liftoff of unmanned Russian Progress craft atop Soyuz booster on Oct. 30, 2011 from Baikonur Cosmodrome. Credit:…

13 years ago

First Progress Launch Since Accident Looms Large for Space Station Program

[/caption] The first launch of a Russian resupply ship since the August failure and crash of the Progress/SoyuzU is scheduled…

13 years ago

Video Duet – Soyuz Debut Blast off from the Amazon Jungle and Rockin’ Russian Rollout ! Watch the video of today’s debut lift off of a Russian Soyuz rocket from the edge of the Amazon…

13 years ago

Russian Soyuz Poised for 1st Blastoff from Europe’s New South American Spaceport

[/caption] A Russian Soyuz-2 rocket sits poised for its first ever blast off in less than 24 hours from a…

13 years ago

Russian Space Agency Sets Dates for Resuming Progress, Soyuz Launches

[/caption] The Russia space agency has set dates for resuming flights with the Progress and Soyuz spacecraft. After determining the…

13 years ago

Progress Crash Investigation Update

[/caption] The Russian space agency has provided an update on the investigation into the August 24 failure of a Soyuz…

13 years ago

Cause of Progress Crash May Have Been Determined

[/caption] The Russian news agency Itar-Tass is reporting that the cause of the August 24 failure and crash of the…

13 years ago

International Space Station Could be De-Crewed by November

[/caption] For personal reasons I had to miss the NASA press conference this morning which gave an update on International…

13 years ago