Space Exploration

Lockheed Accelerates Orion to Achieve 2013 launch and potential 2016 Manned Lunar Flyby

[/caption] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER - Despite utilizing just half the work force originally planned and cutting back further on the…

13 years ago

Discovery: Mission Complete

[/caption] CAPE CANAVERAL – After logging over a year’s worth of flight time in space, the space shuttle Discovery wrapped…

13 years ago

NASA – The Frontier Is Everywhere (Videos): Readings from Carl Sagan Check out this awesome pair of inspiring videos about NASA and Space Exploration. They are set to the ever…

13 years ago

Can China enter the international space family?

[/caption] It has often been called a ‘100 billion boondoggle’ - yet it is also unquestionably one of the most…

13 years ago

Twas the Shuttles last Christmas

[/caption] To mark the occasion of the Shuttle’s last Christmas, space shuttle worker Terry Sibile drafted a touching poem titled;…

14 years ago

Ten Years Of the ISS in Pictures

[/caption] Ten years ago, the first Expedition crew arrived at the International Space Station. Here's a look back in time…

14 years ago

10 Years of the ISS: First Commander Reflects on Anniversary

Ten years ago today US astronaut Bill Shepherd and Russian cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko arrived at the fledgling…

14 years ago

Could a Human Mars Mission Be Funded Commercially?

[/caption] What will it take to actually get humans to Mars? The best answer is probably money. The right amount…

14 years ago

Fleet of Solar Sail Spacecraft Envisioned for Future Data Gathering Missions

[/caption] Future missions to explore the outer planets could employ fleets of ‘data-clippers’, maneuverable spacecraft equipped with solar sails, to…

14 years ago

Needed: Plutonium-238

[/caption] Sometimes people ask what they, as a regular citizen can do to help NASA. Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary…

14 years ago