star formation

A Black Hole has been Burping for 100 Million Years

Black holes are gluttonous behemoths that lurk in the center of galaxies. Almost everybody knows that nothing can escape them,…

2 years ago

A Black Hole is Hurling a jet of Material at its Neighboring Galaxy

It's been a banner time for black hole research! In recent months, astrophysicists have announced the discovery of the most…

2 years ago

Brand New Stars in the Orion Nebula, Seen by Hubble

The Orion Nebula is a giant cloud of gas and dust that spans more than 20,000 times the size of…

2 years ago

A Star has Grown Spiral Arms

Astronomers using the ALMA Observatory have discovered an unusual, massive star near the center of our galaxy, a star that…

2 years ago

Recent Supernovae Produced Giant Cavities in the Orion Nebula

The Orion Nebula is a well-known feature in the night sky and is visible in small backyard telescopes. Orion is…

2 years ago

Star Formation Simulated in the lab, Using Lasers, of Course

The vacuum of space isn't really a vacuum. A vacuum is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a space absolutely devoid of…

3 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes Shut Down Star Formation

Supermassive black holes play a central role to weaken star production in their galaxies.

3 years ago

Incredible Image Shows Twin Stellar Jets Blasting Out of a Star-Forming Region

Young stars go through a lot as they're being born. They sometimes emit jets of ionized gas called MHOs—Molecular Hydrogen…

3 years ago

Nearby Supernovae Exploded Just a few Million Years Ago, Leading to a Wave of Star Formation Around the Sun

The Sun isn't the only star in this galactic neighbourhood. Other stars also call this neighbourhood home. But what's the…

3 years ago

Astronomers Find the Biggest Structure in the Milky Way, a Filament of Hydrogen 1,600 Light-Years Long

An international team of astronomers spotted the largest filament of hydrogen in our galaxy, which could offer tantalizing clues about…

3 years ago