
Closely-Orbiting Stellar Companions Surrounded by “Mystery Dust”

Artist's concept showing a dust disk around a binary system containing a white dwarf and a less-massive M (red) dwarf…

12 years ago

Two Stars Do a Short-Orbit Tango Around the Milky Way’s Black Hole

Astronomers have known for some time there was one star orbiting fairly close to the black hole at the center…

12 years ago

Effects of Einstein’s Elusive Gravitational Waves Observed

Two white dwarfs similar to those in the system SDSS J065133.338+284423.37 spiral together in this illustration from NASA. Credit: D.…

12 years ago

Bright Stars Don’t Like to Be Alone

Caption: New research using data from European Southern Observatory telescopes, including the Very Large Telescope, has revealed that the hottest…

12 years ago

WISE Spies a Hunter’s Flame

A vast star-forming cloud of gas and dust in the constellation Orion shines brightly in this image from NASA's WISE…

12 years ago

How to Measure a Hot Jupiter

An international team of astronomers has figured out a way to determine details of an exoplanet's atmosphere from 50 light-years…

12 years ago

Milky Way to Concordia Base… Come In, Concordia Base…

This stunning photo of the Milky Way was captured from what may be the coldest and most isolated research facility…

13 years ago

The Big Dipper Like You’ve Never Seen It Before!

[/caption] All right, it may look just like any other picture you've ever seen of the Big Dipper. Maybe even…

13 years ago

A Sword of Stars

[/caption] Like the blade of a magical weapon from a fantasy tale, the northern edge of spiral galaxy NGC 891…

13 years ago

The Secret Origin Story of Brown Dwarfs

[/caption] Sometimes called failed stars, brown dwarfs straddle the line between star and planet. Too massive to be "just" a…

13 years ago