
How Big Are Sunspots?

[/caption] The short answer? Really big. The long answer? Really, really big. The image above shows sunspot regions in comparison…

13 years ago

Ring of Fire! Annular Solar Eclipse on May 20

[/caption] There’s a great reason to look up this weekend and hope for clear skies! On May 20-21 an annular…

13 years ago

Big Sunspot; Little Chinese Space Station

[/caption] Astrophotographer extraordinaire Thierry Legault has made a name for himself with his images of spacecraft transiting across the face…

13 years ago

Super Moon? How About a Super Sun!

[/caption] On May 5, 2012, while everyone else was waiting for the "Super Moon" astrophotographer Alan Friedman was out capturing…

13 years ago

NASA’s STEREO Spots a New Nova

While on duty observing the Sun from its position in solar orbit, NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft captured the sudden appearance of…

13 years ago

OMG Space

[/caption] "You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." –…

13 years ago

Question About Space Weather? NASA Scientists Have Answers

What's the difference between a solar flare and a coronal mass ejection? What causes such energetic space events? Worried that…

13 years ago

How Big Was Monday’s CME?

This big! The M1.7-class flare that erupted from active region 1461 on Monday, April 16 let loose an enormous coronal…

13 years ago

Watch it Rain on the Sun

The big solar flare and coronal mass ejection earlier this week created an unusual event on the Sun: it rained.…

13 years ago

The Case of the Missing Dark Matter

[/caption] A survey of the galactic region around our solar system by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) has turned up…

13 years ago