supernova remnant

A new Hubble Image Reveals a Shredded Star in a Nearby Galaxy

The Hubble Space Telescope, to which we owe our current estimates for the age of the universe and the first…

2 years ago

Star Formation Simulated in the lab, Using Lasers, of Course

The vacuum of space isn't really a vacuum. A vacuum is defined by Merriam-Webster as "a space absolutely devoid of…

2 years ago

Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A is Lopsided

Cassiopeia A is the remnant of a supernova that exploded 11,000 light-years away. The light from the exploding star likely…

2 years ago

The Debris Cloud From a Supernova Shows an Imprint of the Actual Explosion

Computer models are continuing to play an increasing role in scientific discovery.  Everything from the first moments after the Big…

3 years ago

An All-Sky X-Ray Survey Finds the Biggest Supernova Remnant Ever Seen

Our sky is missing supernovas. Stars live for millions or billions of years. But given the sheer number of stars…

3 years ago

A New Supernova Remnant Found from an Exploding White Dwarf Star

Astronomers have spotted the remnant of a rare type of supernova explosion. It's called a Type Iax supernova, and it's…

4 years ago

Hubble’s Photo of the Cygnus Loop is, Of Course, Incredible

If you’re a Star Trek fan, you may think the above image portrays the "Nexus" from the movie Star Trek:…

4 years ago

Astronomers Think They’ve Found the Neutron Star Remnant From Supernova 1987a

Recent observations and theortetical work have brought us one step closer to resolving the mystery of what lies at the…

4 years ago

One of the Largest Astronomical Images Ever Made

The northern portion of the Cygnus Loop, as seen in an enormous new panorama from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO)…

12 years ago